OAU Membership

Our Union works very hard to enable its members to keep in touch with their friends and the overall School community, whilst at the same time contributing in many ways for the benefit of present and future students at TAS.  

This encompasses everything from year reunions to annual OAU weekends, invitations to School activities and functions, and to working bees (and fundraising) forspecific projects for the well-being  of the School. A very successful Old Armidalians’ project was the magnificent Lych Gate at the entrance to the Chapel.

The objectives of the Union are:

to promote the best interests of the School having regard to its traditions as a Great Public School and to cooperate with the School Board, the Headmaster, the TAS Foundation and the P&F Association to maintain an active association of the Old Armidalians

to hold reunions and other functions

 to arrange and effect sporting cntests with the School

to provide for the distribution of Binghi to members of the Union

to cooperate with the NEGS Old Girls’ Union and Unions of other Schools in matters of common interest

to establish and maintain in memory of Old Boys and Old Girls of the School scholarships and bursaries tenable at the School.

The Union also elects Old Boys and Old Girls to the School Board and appoints Old Armidalians’ as ‘O’ Category members to the School Membership group. All members of the OAU are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting where the Office Bearers and the Committee are elected. The Committee manages the affairs of the Union.

How to Join

Simply download and complete this form; attach your payment details for the $350 (incl. GST) for life membership subscription and email to oau@as.edu.au or by post to: TAS Old Armidalians’ Union Inc c/- The Armidale School Locked Bag 3003 ARMIDALE   NSW   2350.

Click here to download Old Armidalians’ Membership Form