Boarders Leave

Students can take town leave during the week when they do not have other commitments. During weekends, organised activities for Middle School boarders in particular, are scheduled two to three times per term. While there is no set number of weekend exeats per term, all students are expected to honour their school and sporting commitments, and some weekends are closed due to specific activities.  Exeats for Leave are the responsibility of the Head of House, but this may be delegated to boarding staff in the case of corner store and town leave. Boarders must have submit all leave requests through our online leave management system REACH.  The Head of House is responsible for all leave requests.

Town Leave

Students in Years 6-10 may take town leave once during the school week on Friday afternoons.  Years 11 may take town leave during the school week on Monday and  Friday afternoons and Year 12 on any afternoon. Students may walk to town without supervision but are strongly encouraged to travel in groups.
 Additional leave can be organised via the Head of House only. Students are to be clean and tidy in appearance.

Year 12 Dinner Leave

Arrangements for Saturday night dinner leave must be made through REACH and approved by parents and the Head of House. 
Dress – neat casuals. As these students are often nearly adults, the level of supervision required is less.
 As a consequence, the School will permit students to have Dinner Leave in town unsupervised on the understanding that they adhere to pre-arranged hours and do not consume alcohol.

More information can be found in the Boarders’ Handbook.