Please note that COVID-19 guidelines continue to change. The Armidale School follows the NSW Health Guidelines:
It is no longer a mandatory requirement to isolate if positive and there are no more ‘close’ or ‘household’ contact restrictions.
Students should only be tested if they are not well enough to be at school. Regardless of a negative or positive test, once they are feeling better and free of acute symptoms, in line with the NSW Health advice to schools, they may return to class without restriction. As always, they may choose to wear a mask, but we are not requiring this.
Boarding students do not need to be sent home if mildly unwell or positive for COVID-19. They can remain in boarding (resting in the Medical Centre during the day if needed) until they feel better and then return to school, Heads of House will determine this.
If staying in the Boarding House while positive and symptomatic, students will isolate and use separate bathroom facilities where possible and wear a mask in common areas until symptom-free.
Staff and students are still required to let the School know if they test positive.
Junior School – Mr Scott Chittenden
Middle School – Mr Luke Polson
Senior School – Mr AJ Whalley
NSW Health – COVID-19:
NSW Health – Regional Restrictions (including Armidale):
Stay Healthy HSC Hub:
Daily Absence
If your child is to be absent from school for any reason, including arriving late or leaving early, please advise the appropriate Administration Assistant (see below), explaining the reason for absence by phone, email, or written note before 10.00 am that day. In addition a written note confirming the circumstances of the absence is required within 7 days.
Sickness in excess of 4 school days requires a doctor’s certificate detailing the nature of sickness and duration of sickness.
Junior School: Phone 6776 5817 or by email
Middle School: Phone 6776 5819 or by email
Senior School: Phone 6776 5800 or by email
More information about absentees and extended leave can be found HERE
2023 Stage 5 Elective Assessment Calendar – Semester 1
2023 Year 11 Assessment Schedule
2023 Year 11 Assessment Snapshot
2023 Year 12 Assessment Schedule
2023 Year 12 Assessment Snapshot
2023 Year 10 Assessment Calendar (Core) – Semester 1
2023 Year 9 Assessment Calendar (Core) – Semester 1
(Year 11 and 12)
STAGE 6 HANDBOOK 2023 (Website copy)
(Year 9 and 10)
If you were unable to attend the Stage 5 electives information session you can download the Stage 5 Academic Program Handbook below.
Stage 5 Academic Assessment Policy